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Velocity 2011: Steve Souders, Jesse Robbins & John Allspaw, "Opening Remarks"
Velocity 2010: Steve Souders & Jesse Robbins, "Welcome"
Steve Souders & John Allspaw interviewed at Velocity 2011_2
Steve Souders & John Allspaw interviewed at Velocity 2011_ 1
Steve Souders interviewed at Velocity 2011
Mike Loukides and Steve Souders discuss Velocity 2011
Velocity 2013, Steve Souders & John Allspaw, "Opening Welcome"
Velocity 2011: Patrick Lightbody, "From Inception to Acquisition"
Velocity 2013, Steve Souders & John Allspaw, "Welcome Day 2"
Velocity 2011: Rachel Chalmers, "State of the Infrastructure "
Velocity 2011: Theo Schlossnagle, "Career Development"
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